
What makes me unique? Who am I?

Our guided inquiry with the purpose of establishing a process that children will eventually have greater ownership and autonomy of.

Literacy - Speaking, writing and presenting
Show some understanding of how to shape texts for different purposes and audience
Select form and express ideas on a range of topics

Social Sciences
Understand how people make significant contributions to New Zealand’s society
Understand how people make choices to meet their needs and want


First we viewed a video

What do you want to be and how is this going to give back to family and community? Why do you think we need to give back to the community? Why is it necessary?

- A brainstorm of ideas What do I want to be in the future? How am I going to give back to my community? Where do you want to be in the future? What are the things I need to be doing/learning/focusing on to be where I want to be in the future?

What is important to me?


Create a slide show - Identify things I am good at? - Things I enjoy? - What do I want to be in the future and why? - What character strengths will I need to do this?


Share with the class


Children came up with some reflective questions that could be used to show their deeper understanding in the process.


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